Enjoy riding while you stay at our Outer Cape Accommodations. Bicycles are allowed on the designated national seashore bike trails, paved roads, parking areas, and on unpaved roadways (fire roads). Bicycles are not permitted on hiking trails or on beaches.
Province Lands Bike Trail
This 5.5 mile trail loops around the Province Lands, passing through pine forests, sandy dunes, and low-lying cranberry bogs. There are connections to both Herring Cove and Race Point beaches, as well as Bennett Pond.
Head of the Meadow Bike Trail
This 2 mile bike trail connects the dirt parking lot at High Head Road to Head of the Meadow Beach.
Nauset Bike Trail
This 1.6 mile paved bike path connects the Salt Pond Visitor Center, Doane Picnic Area, and Coast Guard Beach.
Cape Cod Rail Trail
Enjoy scenic views along the 22 mile paved trail with bikes, roller blades, and more.